
A short greeting from the board

Dear reader,

welcome to the home of free and international trade!

Since our foundation in 1971, we – the European Confederation of International Trading Houses Associations – have developed into an indispensable partner and specialist in all aspects of foreign trade. With deep roots in Europe and a clear vision for the future of European foreign trade, we represent the interests of our members with vigour and foresight. Our main objective is to protect and promote the common interests of our members, with a particular focus on export trade.

We see ourselves as the voice of European export trade in Europe and in the world, not only working to improve the practical framework conditions for international trade in goods and services, but also actively shaping political support for international business. Through our work, we offer our members a comprehensive range of services, from representing their foreign trade interests to participating in the formation of trade policy. We ensure that our members have access to all relevant information.

We are committed to open, rules-based global trade. Together, we are committed to strengthening European export trade and thus contribute to securing and expanding the competitiveness of our members on the world’s markets.

Kind regards

Jan Krückemeyer
President of CITHA

Jan Krueckemeyer

Jan Krueckemeyer

Alexander Hoeckle

Alexander Hoeckle

Secretary General